South East Region
Teachers Association
Dance Scottish
Teaching After Unit 5 (am) and Book 53 (pm)
Presenter Pat Houghton, Edinburgh branch
Musician Adam Brady, accordion
24 Sept 2023
**NB Last date for applications, Thursday 21 Sept**
Merstham Village Hall, Station Road North, Merstham, Surrey RH1 3ED map
Booking form below
We are pleased to welcome Pat Houghton to lead our September workshop.
During the morning session Pat will share her knowledge and skill in teaching experienced or advanced dancers. She will use dances from the latest RSCDS book, Book 53, to illustrate key points.
​Book 53 is a bumper compilation of 12 old dances and 12 new dances which has been published to celebrate the RSCDS Centenary year. Pat lead the workshop looking at dances from this collection.
Emergency contact on the day: Marie Montague 07729 155628
10.30 - 11.00 Registration & Coffee
11.00 - 13.00 Morning Workshop - Teaching After Unit 5​
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch (bring your own picnic - tea, coffee, squash will be provided)
14.00 - 16.00 Afternoon Workshop - Book 53
16.00 – 16.30 Refreshments and General Discussion
We shall be cognisant of all Government and hall requirements.
If you have any symptoms, we request you do NOT attend.
Venue and Directions
Merstham Village Hall, Station Road North, Merstham, Surrey RH1 3ED map
Car: from M25 J8 There is a large free car park behind the hall.
A Code to enter the car park will be circulated during the week before the event.
Rail: The nearest station is Merstham (I minute walk) which has direct trains from London Bridge and Horsham on Thameslink Line.
NB Last date for applications, Thursday 21 Sept
Please fill in the form below and
- either pay by BACS, using the details below
or contact if you prefer to pay by cheque so that we can give you our postal address
To pay by BACS
Acc name: South East Region Teachers Association
Sort code: 77 71 33
Acc No: 01416468
Reference: Your Name