South East Region
Teachers Association
Dance Scottish
Meeting reports
Read the reports of our meetings with valuable tips and techniques from discussions as far back as 2010 through to our most recent events

Roy Goldring: The man his dances and his music
Muriel Johnstone, September 2024

A presentation from Muriel Johnstone, giving us an insight into Roy Goldring and the dances he devised, which included some which give a simple introduction to more complex formations and others which focus on the interaction between dancers. Ian Robertson added illustrated examples of some of the tunes that were used in Goldring dances.
Keeping Moving to Music
Ken Martlew, March 2024 pm

Ken’s presentation was “Keep your class moving with music”, aiming to reduce the amount of walking and talking, prioritising dancing. He illustrated each element of his talk by dancing and calling himself and asking the class to dance to his called instruction. Ken produced a detailed handout for the presentation which was distributed to the group.
Teaching Children
Deborah Draffin and Sarah Whillis, March 2024 am

Deborah Draffin, a former primary school teacher who herself danced as a child and has been teaching children for 27 years presented a session of tips and teaching aids for teaching children's classes. Sarah Whillis also contributed on running one-off sessions for groups such as Brownies.
Teaching Advanced Dancers- also Book 53
Pat Houghton, September 2023

Pat Houghton, with musician Adam Brady, provided tips on teaching advanced dancers including more challenging dances, more challenging formations and more challenging techniques, so that the dancers get a higher sense of achievement. Dance examples throughout the day were from the newly published RSCDS Book 53.
serTA Sweet Sixteen Weekend, Sept 2022
Summary of the Weekend

serTA celebrated its 16th year with a weekend of workshops and social dancing in Suffolk, 23-25 Sept 2022, with workshops led by Jimmie Hill, short talks by serTA members, and excellent music from Ewan Galloway and Ian Robertson
Read the Kate Thomson's summary of the weekend here.
serTA Sweet Sixteen Weekend, Sept 2022
Short talks - Recapping, Walk Throughs and the Dance Event

Ian Robertson, musician, gave a short talk with discussion, from his perspective of playing for dancing, on the gradual move over the years to having more complex dances on programmes and therefore longer recaps and how this impacted on the band.
serTA Sweet Sixteen Weekend, Sept 2022
Short talks - Teaching Young Adults

Kate Gentles teaches in Cambridge, including a group comprised largely of university students. Teaching this demographic brings different pleasures and challenges from the classes most of us teach - a higher turnover (though many do continue dancing elsewhere), but quick learners keen to improve.
serTA Sweet Sixteen Weekend, Sept 2022
Short talks - Teaching Beyond Unit 5

Mervyn Short challenged us to continue to develop our teaching skills, particularly outlining the importance of instilling good technique in all levels of dancers and this might involve continuing to develop our knowledge of areas such as physiology (and also gave a book recommendation on safe dance practice)
serTA Sweet Sixteen Weekend, Sept 2022
Short talks - Gender Neutral / Positional calling

Sue Last had attended online presentations in America during the pandemic, including some on Gender Neutral Calling during the pandemic and shared with us what she had learned and how she had put it into practice.
serTA Sweet Sixteen Weekend, Sept 2022
Plans for RSCDS Centenary Year

Lizzy Conder, serTA member and RSCDS Treasurer, outlined for us the celebratory events that would be taking place in the 2023 RSCDS centenary year and artwork for producing centenary publicity and some special commemorative items that could be purchased
ISTD Dances republished by RSCDS
Judy Valvona, March 2022

The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing published 5 books of dances 1971 to 1990s devised by their members for the annual McConachie Sword competition and including either a new formation or a variation on an existing formation. These have now been republished in two volumes by the RSCDS.